Le Saunier French Salt Fleur de sel de Camargue · 125g (4.4 oz) Best Price
This sea salt comes from the salt marshes of the Meditarranean (Camargue). It is harvested in the traditional manner and contain no additives. Rich in minerals and lower in sodium than regular salt, it is a gourmet's delight. Try it on fresh tomatoes for a taste experience that's truly out...
This sea salt comes from the salt marshes of the Meditarranean (Camargue). It is harvested in the traditional manner and contain no additives. Rich in minerals and lower in sodium than regular salt, it is a gourmet's delight. Try it on fresh tomatoes for a taste experience that's truly out of this world!
So when exactly is salt season? It begins in early summer, when sea water is channeled into a series of shallow fields or ponds lined with clay. As the summer sun and wind cause the water to evaporate, a layer of salt appears, which the salt-marsh farmers, or paludiers, gather in August and September with a wooden rake or lousse.
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