Provence Epices - Provence Herbs from France Best Price
No two mixtures of herbes de Provence are alike, but they all contain some combination of the aromatic herbs that perfume the Provençal countryside and are an essential component of Provençal cooking. This particular mix contains rosemary, thyme, basil, marjoram, and savory. Sprinkle it on grilled foods or use it to season tomato sauces, omelettes, stewed meats, soups, and marinades.
Ingredients: Rosemary, thyme, basil, marjoram, and savory. 100g (3.5 oz)
Provence Epice is a division of the Laboratoire d’Herboristerie Générale, a family-owned business which was founded in 1943 in Marseille as a bulk importer of medicinal plants, herbs, and spices of all origins. In 2000, the Laboratoire commissioned research resulting in the creation of a thermal treatment procedure in order to avoid irradiation of spices. With the creation of an on-site laboratory for analysis and standards verification in 2003, the company resolutely declared its commitment to quality in the herbs trade market.